Thursday, 12 December 2013

My favourite primers!

KThis week I have been asked to review primers! Now, I have a confession to make, I never usually used a primer but after this week I will never not use one again, you would not believe how much better they make your skin look! I am quite lucky and don't have terrible skin but I do get pores around my nose which my foundation always goes into which makes them even clearer. When I used these primers you could hardly see them and my make up went on so much nicer and lasted long! 

My top 2 were.... 

Benefits 'Porefessional' which is £24.50. It was such a good product for getting rid of pores. Even without putting my make up on my skin looked so much nicer and more even and then when I did out my make up on it stayed on reasonably well! Usually it crinkles around my nose but when I used this it minimised that slightly. I have to agree with some of the reviews that say this product is expensive because it certainly is but I can't deny that it worked for me. It also comes in a really cute rotor looking packaging just like many of the Benefit products! It also seems to be lasting a while but I only use it on my problem areas :) if you don't want to splash out maybe try and get a sample or ask one of the benebabes to try it out on you and see what you think! 

I'm afraid my other favourite was another expensive one, Laura Geller's Spackle which I got from QVC for £18 but you can find this all over the Internet. This product felt really nice on my skin and, again, a little goes a long way so it lasts quite a while. It made my make up stay on really well and created a really lovely base for it so it went on so smoothly! 

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, No7 from Boots do a really nice one! I tried lots of different brands that I really liked for example Smashbox and mally which both also worked really well! I am also going to get my hands on some eye primers as well now (I am becoming addicted haha) so I will let you know which I like from those! Let me know if you guys have any primers you love and hate! 

Jamie xxx

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