Sunday, 5 January 2014

Real techniques // review

Hey guys! I feel like I haven't posted in ages. Today, I decided to write about my new favourite thing, my 'real techniques expert face brush'. 

I am not going to lie, I have never been a brush person (I tend to just use my fingers) but so many people are raving about these brushes, I had to give one a go. I got myself the foundation brush from Boots for £9.99 which I didn't think was too bad considering the fact I also collect my points. 
The brush itself is really firm and broad making it perfect for applying liquid foundation. It takes a little longer to apply than just using your fingers but the results are so much better. I use a sort of 'buffing' technique which gives a really good finish. The over all look created is a lot more natural and even. My only negative would be the fact I seem to have to use more foundation now I am using them. It isn't considerably more (2 big pumps instead on my usual 1). 

It is a really good quality brush and none of the bristle have fallen out on me which most brushes do! I will definitely be getting myself some different sorts of these brushes. I know they do a really good set in boots (I think it is £21.99 but don't hold me to that haha) so I might treat myself!! 

It is important with brushes that you make sure you wash the regularly. My friend suggested just using a baby shampoo and leaving them to dry which I think I will give a go in a week or so. If you have any real technique brushes, let us know! @scoshgirls 

Also, exciting life news (well, exciting for me haha :p) I have applied to some more agencies and production companies today and, hopefully, I will get a reply soon! We will also soon be review some products from The Argan Company who have been kind enough to send us some of their products which is really exciting news :) 

Hope the new year is treating you well!! 

Jamie xx

1 comment:

  1. I haven't tried the foundation brushes yet but the ones for eye makeup are fabulous :o)! Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight
