Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Delicious and Nutritious // super exciting news!!

Hey guys! So after Christmas I always feel bloated and like I have gained about 17 stone (give or take a few pounds haha) so I like to eat lightly when I go back to sixth form to give my body a bit of a break!! :p 

Today I had a minted bean salad and it was so yummy and decided to tell you all about it. It is so easy to make and surprisingly filling whilst also being really yummy! 

All this is is a time of mixed beans (drained), cucumber, tomatoes and celery with mint sauce (from a jar), salt and pepper! I had a little bit for tea last night but today it tasted even better. I was inspired by 'Glamour magazines' top 50 foods to help encourage weight loss and get rid of bloating. They have some great foods on there and even some recipe ideas so if you are looking to tackle post-Christmas bulge, or just get a little bit healthier, I would have a look on there. One thing it doesn't mention though is water. Water is brilliant! I try to drink as much as possible. It keeps you feeling full and hydrated and works wonders on your skin and body! :D 

Today has been my first day back which is not good BUT when I got home I had a surprise on the door. We have been sent products from 'Beverly Hills Formula' tooth paste company to review which is really exciting. Hopefully we will have to review up soon (I will start using it tomorrow) :) keep your eyes peeled on here and for any updates on twitter and make sure you don't miss it!! 

Also, I hope you are all Sherlock fans!! (If not, you should be :p) after a 2 year wait I finally have my favourite high functioning sociopath back in my life. Absolutely love it, the episodes so far have been incredible! Sherlock (when played by Mr Cumberbatch of course haha) is my fictional character crush! 

What is your favourite healthy snack? Who is your fictional character crush?

Jamie xx

1 comment:

  1. Ooo that looks yummy! I love a good salad! ;)

