Jamie, where is your blog actually going to lead you?
Jamie, how are you going to afford to live in London?
Jamie, well you get the picture..
I am not at all ashamed to say that is answer to these questions is 'I have absolutely no idea'. I used to stress out so much about knowing exactly what I was going to do but it the end it proved to me to be pretty pointless. Don't get me wrong I love a good plan but life has its way of surprising us and, in the words of Harry Potter 'how many times have our plans actually worked, Hermione?' (Ditch hermione and this quote works.. Although this might not be it exactly.. You get the jist). Over the past few years what I am going to do has changed dramatically. I have always wanted to be an actress but how I am going to get there varies. In fact, over the past few weeks and even days this has changed!
My friend messaged me today with her new life plan! She asked 'what do you think?' And to be honest with you my response was about as clear as mud because you have to do what makes you happy at the time. You can't look back with regrets because at the end of the day, at some point, that was exactly what you wanted and every door you open leads you down a different path. That path might be not what you planned but who is to say that path won't be even better!?
I think now is a perfect time to whip out my favourite quote:
If the window opens and the prospect pleases, float through it... That window might never be open again'
If you like the look of something or think you fancy having a go, just do it! Don't worry if it doesn't fit in exactly with 'the plan' just have fun and take risks.
Please note, I am not suggesting you drop out of school on a whim, leave home, jump on a train and live in the tropical rain forests, that might be a little extreme.. But if there is a new club opening up or a chance to apply for something, perhaps a part time job or a university open day.. Why not give it a go?! Remember it is okay to say 'I don't know'. Remember what John Lennon said..
Good luck!
Jamie xxx
I am the queen of failed plans! My plans never seem to work out or I end up some place completely different than I thought I would be. But some of those risks have turned out to be amazing! So I'm all for taking risks. :)