Sunday, 16 February 2014

10 things I learnt from my mother!

My Mum is my best friend and I tell her absolutely everything! Next year I will be moving away from home which will be super scary (the longest I have been away from Mum in 2 days and even then I missed her haha). We have been looking at universities and what not and it made me think of all the things Mum has taught me over the past 17 years that I will always remember! 

1) It doesn't matter what other people think, do what makes you happy! 
I am extremely grateful to my Mum for all of the support she has given me. She does so much for me to make sure I am doing what makes me happy and backs me up and shows enthusiasm in what ever I decide to tackle! 

2) Always puff up the sofa and wash the pots before you go to bed!
If I was given a pound I have had this shouted to me as I quickly try and escape the living room I could pay someone to do this for me every night haha! 

3) Work hard! 
If you want something you have to work for it and don't give up! (You can tell where I get my philosophical streak from) 

4) How to make the best broth on the whole world! 
I am afraid I can't say much about this as it is a secret family recipe but take it from me, it tastes like heaven in a bowl! 

5) 'we are strong independent women, who don't need no man' 
I forgot to mention at the start, my mother is also the queen of sass! Destiny's child would certainly be 'throwing their hands up' at my Mum! 

6) Getting top grades is good but not at the expense of happiness (and sanity) 
Don't get me wrong, Mum has taught me to work hard on my school work but she has also taught me that you can only do your best and if you do that no one can moan at you. I was once told that 'drama was a hobby and not an actually subject'. I went home and told Mum who laughed and told me that if that was my passion and what I wanted to do with my life I shouldn't let anyone tell me other wise. Doing what you love is the most important thing :) 

7) no one is better than you and you are better than no body, we are all equal! 
Never think you can't do something because 'you are not good enough' or 'someone is better'. Just give it a go! What is the worst that could happen! 

8) 'Girly nights are the best nights' 
When I was little Mum and I used to have girly nights where we would watch films and do each others hair and make up and laugh about anything! The other week in fact, I did Mums hair and make up and forced her into watching Sherlock with me! These nights are my favourite nights and I hope that when I come home to visit we will still be doing this! 

9) I don't suit eye liner. 
Mum is brutally honestly and after about two weeks of watching her pull a face every time I put it on I asked her what the matter was, anyway this is the conclusion we came to haha! 

10) Always be brave and remain dignified. 
No matter what happens my Mum is incredibly brave! 

I hope you guys liked reading this and hopefully my Mum has taught you something as well! I only hope that one day I will be half as good a Mum as she is to me! (Sorry for being soppy guys)
Anyway, got to go, we are having a girly night :D 

Ps. It may surprise you to know hat we are not professional models :p 

Jamie xxx

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