Tuesday, 11 February 2014

February playlist!

Sat on public transport today, I thought to myself... where we i be without music? well, the answer the that is probably making awkward small talk with the person sat next to me and feeling rather uncomfortable. The fact that music prevents these situations makes it pretty important (as you guys know, I socialise when it is a must haha) So here are my top ten tunes for February! Ps. These are not all new songs I'm afraid, just songs that I have recently come across! 
(I say top ten but they are in no order because I love them all!) 

10- Diane Young by vampire weekend! 
This is the first song I have heard by them and it is really good! It is upbeat and fun but has a deeper meaning and we all know I am a sucker for clever songs! 

9- Pompeii by Bastille! 
I had heard of this band before this month but I hadn't really listened to them until I started revising French Revolution and came across them when researching the storming of the Bastille (nerdy Jamie). I got very distracted by this song and downloaded it straight away! 

8- Your guardian angel by The Red jumpsuit apparatus! 
I have had this on my iPod forever but I always used to skip it for some reason! Anyway, I listened to it the other day and fell in love. If you chose to listen to this be prepared to get your heart broken... 

7- Stay Out by Nina Nesbitt!
Be prepared for this girl to pop up a lot! I absolutely love her. Tis was the first song I heard of hers and it is so much fun and very relatable haha! Definitely give her a listen and keep reading for more of her stuff! 

6- Classy girls by The Lumineers! 
Another band that is going to be popping up a lot! My friend introduced me to these and I think they are so so good! Really easy to listen to and the lyrics to this song as so sweet. I couldn't help but smile :) 

5- The Hardest Part by Nina Nesbitt! 
This song is incredible. Her voice is beautiful and you can tell it comes from the heart. It is totally heart breaking but such a beautiful song. Very different to the other two in the list but I absolutely love it! 

4- Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray!
I first heard this song on Great Gatsby and it is beautiful. Lana has such an amazing voice and this song is great! 

3- Selfies by Nina Nesbitt!
This song has become my most played in the space on 3 days. It is fun and nearly everyone teenage girl can relate to this. The video is brilliant as well. Nina strikes again! 

2- The Dead Sea by The Lumineers! 
Looooooove this song!! It sounds like it is going to be really depressing but it is actually so sweet and really lovely. Think this band might be one of my new favourites! 

1- On top of the world by Imagine Dragons! 
How can you be sad when listening to this song?! It is so much fun. Not the best Imagine Dragons song but it makes me smile which is exactly what I need as usually on public transport I am heading to school haha! 

So I hope you enjoyed this little insight to my 'recently added' playlist! Give them a listen and let me know what you think! :D 

Jamie xxx

Ps again.. So Pps?! Anyway haha.. The picture I have added probably has some deep philosophical meaning but... 

... It is always there for me in uncomfortable public transport situations so I guess that will do! Haha :p 

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